- Type:Paint
- Category:
White SW Sher-Wood Base-H66WH73-20 is a true white paint color. Our top seller and a true classic look. This paint is the base paint we use without any colorants added. If needing to find the similar color at your local Sherwin Williams store you can have them look up Sher-Wood Base-H66WH73-20 for color reference.
Compared to our previous paint offering, White would be similar to Pilot White which has been discontinued.
White is available with a Satin 30 or Matte 10 sheen.
Mohawk Touch Up Items for White Sher-Wood Base H66WH73-20:
• Mohawk Fil Stick: M230-8601 Satin White UC
• Mohawk Marker: M281-6383 Ultra Mark White Melamine #1