Customer Testimonials

Customer TestimonialsOver the years Decore-ative Specialties has had the privilege of serving thousands of satisfied customers. Everyone at Decore-ative Specialties has consistently gone out of their way to make the buying experience for our customers a pleasant and even fun experience.

Every once in a while we’ll get a letter or email from a happy customer thanking us for the outstanding service or product we have provided. We take these types of personal testimonials to heart because we consider it an honor and privilege just to have all of these wonderful customers. The fact that our customers would take time out of their busy days to thank us in a letter or email means so much to everyone at Decore-ative Specialties. We would like to share just a handful of the many testimonials we have received.

Share Your Story

If you have ever done business with Decore-ative Specialties and would like to share your success story or just tell us how we have helped your business over the years, we would love to hear from you. You can email your story or testimonial to Customer Service and we’ll post your success story here for others to read. Please let us know if you do not want your name on your testimonial. Thanks you for viewing and please feel free to call and talk directly to Customer Service if you have any questions or comments at 1-800-729-7255.

Thanks Jessica! It's amazing that a little 'ole cabinet shop in Texas could come so far after what the country is going through. Thanks to great partners like Decore-ative Specialties it has been and will continue to be quite a ride & the best is yet to come!
Thanks to great partners like Decore-ative Specialties
Randy H.
I want to give many thanks to my sales person for his exceptional work ethics, friendly disposition, and remarkable knowledge of your products.
Remarkable knowledge of your products
Trudee S.
From a long-time, if intermittent customer, may I say that your new website and ordering format is enormously easier to use. Congrats & well done.
Ordering format is enormously easier to use
Greg L.
I just wanted to send you an email about the exceptional service I received from Cindy yesterday. She went Above & Beyond the call of duty in making sure that our Promised/Scheduled delivery for yesterday happened. Apparently, FedEx Ground had other ideas and she followed through and made sure that we had our order by end of day. It was a huge deal for us and to our Customer.
Above & Beyond the call of duty
David P.
Our carpenter Roger is installing a new drawer in our bathroom, of course I asked Roger where he resourced the material and his answer was a company called "Decore-ative Specialties". Wouldn't you know it. He is a fine craftsman who has been buying direct from them for years and loves their service and said he's never had a problem working with them once. Nice to know we are boosting the company sales out here and keeping the loop alive!
Been buying direct from them for years and loves their service
Steve B.
As always I want to express our thanks to you and your team for helping smoothly and swiftly work through the issues with us, on our door order this week. That is one of the reasons for our relationship, you guys take care of issues and we have a great relationship. We do not and will not talk with other door company's. Why when we have the best for our customers.
We have a great relationship
I am very pleased with the way I have been treated with orders and quotes etc. I admit that I have used your competitors for some of our business in the past, but want to assure you that Decore is AWESOME and I am very happy with the product and the relationship I have with you.
Decore is AWESOME
We switched from from a competitor to Decore-ative Specialties and wanted to make it perfectly clear that your customer service representative Jodie plays a big part in why we purchase from Decore-ative Specialties.
We switched from a competitor
Jose C.
Just wanted you to know. Liz really does go out of her way to make it EASY for our customers to do business with us.
EASY for our customers to do business with
Helen Z.
I have my masters degree in woodworking from Stuttgart University and I wanted to let you know that your finish is perfectly done. Your wood selection was fantastic. Your packaging was better than WoodMode Cabinetry.
Your finish is perfectly done
Nothing impresses me more than Decore’s high-quality, friendly and knowledgeable staff. If we provide incomplete information on an order, we get contacted immediately to ensure the accuracy of every order.
Friendly and knowledgeable staff
Don B.
This is to inform you what a valuable employee you have in Araceli. Araceli was my contact person at Decore-ative Specialties and endured many phone calls and fax changes until the order for our project was to our satisfaction. She also coordinated with G&L to be sure everything was correct. Araceli is a valuable asset to the Decore-ative organization, just thought you should know.
What a valuable employee
Craig S.